How you recreated a rat race and what to do about it

Are you dreaming of overcoming the rat race you recreated?

You were tired of the rat race. Your job and responsibilities were no longer fulfilling you! You never had time for yourself; you were always running, and you kept thinking that there must be more to life than that.

When you had a chance, you decided to leave the corporate world to set up your own business. You were thrilled at the idea of running a business doing work you love. You could already picture it, the thriving results, the freedom it would give you and the life you would live!

A few years have passed. You wake up tired, you’re overwhelmed, easily irritated, frustrated, disappointed, and, let’s face it, on the brink of burnout. Is that why you left the corporate world?

I’ve seen it too often, and to be very honest, I’ve been there myself at some point. How can we recreate what we dread the most for ourselves?

After so many years working with my clients (and reflecting upon what I had done myself), I’ve clearly identified two common trends leading to the same outcome:

1. Passion-driven but Lacking Business Skills

Your passion drove you, but you forgot to look into the business aspect of things. You set up your business, not realizing that doing work you love and running a business are two very different things that require completely different skill sets. The consequence is that the results aren’t there and that your business looks more like an expensive hobby than anything else. You’re working (too) hard, juggling with (too) many things to do, and wondering what your next move should be amongst all the things that are on your to-do list.

2. Business-driven but Disconnected from Personal Fulfillment

Your business skills drove you but forgot to connect to what is important to you. The financial results were quickly there. Your business is thriving, but you seem to have lost yourself in the process. Your romantic life has turned into some drama. You’ve become estranged from your kids. You hardly have time to see your friends. You don’t have a social life anymore and don’t even remember what the word self-care stands for.

Take a coin: scenario one is one side of it, and scenario two is the other one. The coin can’t exist without its two sides.

Want a Different Result And Get Rid Of The Rat Race You Recreated?

You can’t just set up your business without taking the time to balance who you are with what is important to you, both in your life and your business. If you do that, I can guarantee that you will re-create your own rat race! The question is not if but when!

If you’ve been reading thus far, you probably are eager to find out what you can do to change this situation. The good news is that there is a way. I know. I have done it before, and so have my clients. There is no magic wand, it won’t happen overnight, it will require some work, but the results will be there. All it takes is for you to:

1. Be Clear About Who You Are and What Is Important to You

Understand your core values, passions, and non-negotiables. Knowing yourself deeply is the foundation of building a business that truly aligns with your life.

2. Clear What Stands in the Way of Your Fulfillment and Success

Change your mindset and shift your relationship to money and success. Identify the limiting beliefs and obstacles that are holding you back and actively work to overcome them.

3. Uplevel Your Relationship with Yourself and Others

Put yourself back at the center of your life. Prioritize self-care, set healthy boundaries, and nurture your relationships. This balance is crucial for sustained success and personal fulfillment.

4. Reassess Your Business

Evaluate your business model to ensure it supports the life you desire. Align your business operations with your values and the lifestyle you envision. This may require restructuring or refocusing areas of your business.

5. Implement Tools and Systems

Ensure you have the right tools and systems in place to stay committed to your goals. This includes time management tools, business management systems, and personal development practices that keep you on track.

Make It Happen!

Decide to make it happen, take action, and the results will be there! You will have a life again and be able to enjoy every moment of it!


Are you ready to make things happen in your life and business?  Book a discovery consultation with me here to find out what options are available for you to work with her.

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