Getting rid of overwhelm

We all wear multiple hats. We can be a mother, a lover, a colleague, a business owner, a friend, etc. Step back and reflect: what do these roles mean to you? Which ones are most important? Once you’ve answered those questions, set a clear goal for each of them. Once more, the objective is for you always to be connected to what is most important to you.

What should you be focusing on?

If you did not notice, there are 1440 minutes in a day, which is the same for all of us—1440 and not 1441. So, guess what? If you want to add a minute, you must subtract another one; it is that simple!

What you have to do, though, is know what to focus on first. 

To do that, let’s first look at the meaning of the words important and urgent. I’m conscious that there are several official meanings, but, in essence:

Urgent matters require immediate action, whereas Important matters require serious attention because of the consequences of not doing so.

Step 1: Sort it by category
Let’s now go a bit further and look at all you have to do. I already see you shrink… the thought of it only stresses you out completely!
Take a deep breath! No one said you had to do it all (well, some may have told you you should, but that simply isn’t true). I will now ask you to sort all items into four categories.

1) Everything that is Urgent & Important

2) Everything that is Important

3) Everything that is Urgent

4) Everything that is not Urgent or Important

Be conscious that the things that fall under categories 1 and 2 are usually things that you are responsible for, whereas the nature of items listed under categories 3 and 4 is such that you can delegate them.

Example: It is your responsibility to write a proposal for a client (i.e. it is important). Once you’ve done it, the fact that the clients now need to receive it urgently by FedEx (or so) is something that Wonder Woman can delegate to someone else.

If you are unsure what category applies, ask yourself: “What would happen if I don’t take care of it?” You will be very surprised how often nothing happens at all!

Step 2: How much time do you need to work on it?

You have split your to-do list into four categories. You will, of course, be focusing first on Category 1 (without forgetting Category 2, or you might turn some of those items into Category 1 items by lack of attention). Now evaluate ( realistically) the time needed for each topic.

Tip: According to Parkinson’s law, “work expands to fill the time available for its completion”. The more time you will give it, the more time you will need: set a time limit.

Step 3: Decide what you will work on based on the available time you have.

Step 4: Block it on your calendar!

Step 5: Give your undivided attention to the task at hand
According to Carlson’s law, our brain needs time to concentrate fully on a topic. Each interruption, therefore, means returning to square one: loss of time, energy, and efficiency!

Let me know what difference these tips made for you!!!


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